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Les animaux maltraités |
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Nous sommes toutes et tous avec toi!!
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Ajoutée le 20 oct. 2013
An adorable black and white Kitten with a neurological disorder couldn't walk, but relearned how to use his back legs by using a walker every day.
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Thumper was rescued out of a yard filled with animals left abandoned and neglected. Thumper would have died for sure, because it was soon discovered, he couldn't walk because of a neurological disorder. His Foster mom, had a walker custom built for him and it immediately improved his walking. Thumper learned to walk and rehabilitated by some therapy and sessions in his walker every day. After a few weeks, he was running. Now he just needs his forever home.
Producer: Brittni Brown
Associate Producer: Anissa Douglass
Editor: Philip Cruess
Licence YouTube standard
Mais trop nombreux sont ceux qui détournent, encore, leur regard, leur coeur....
Los animales nos están pidiendo ayuda.
Sólo tenemos que pararnos un segundo a escuchar.
Un movimiento está emergiendo en todo el mundo, formado por personas que se detienen a escuchar los gritos de los animales pidiendo ayuda.
Comparte este mensaje para que la llamada de auxilio de los animales llegue a millones.
Comparte este mensaje si crees que la solidaridad no debe entender de especie.
Síguenos en www.Facebook.com/IgualdadAnimal
Foto: Dmitry Laudin / shutterstock
Marta Galgos Collares Martingale a partagé une photo deTorero, si quieres ver sangre CÓRTATE LOS HUEVOS!!!
Merci Béatrice, maman de Prune et de Fizzy!
SVP, signez la pétition, on n'a pas besoin d'un gourou en Suisse.
Les chiens n'ont pas besoin d'un maltraitant en plus!
Chaque personne qui signe renforce notre mobilisation.
Ensemble, provoquons le changement,
Publiée le 27 oct. 2012
Lovely analysis of the dog's attempts to communicate with Mr. Millan and his either ignoring these attempts and/or not understanding them. A couple of read-throughs of Jean Donaldson's book "Mine! A Practical Guide to Resource Guarding in Dogs" would have been a wonderful positive addition to Mr. Millan's tool box, but wouldn't have made for good TV entertainment.
BTW - how could he have done it better and without provoking the dog? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oXmD4...
Many thanks to Carol Byrnes for putting this analysis together.
Licence YouTube standard
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